The Odd Siblings
"How do I know what you got is any good?" Mr. Kim was an owner of a small burger joint tucked between the corner next to pharmacy. A few days ago, the front of his store got generously covered in spray-paint. He's confident that the teenagers from a few blocks away were the one's responsible. He contacted the police but without evidence they couldn't do much about it. He can't quite remember what lead to this outcome but out of desperation he called up an unusual pair for help.
Mr. Kim squinted closely at the supposed evidence brought in by the Odd siblings. Lily was holding up a makeshift envelop made with the front page of a school book. It was a strange sight to see from the outside. Partially because the duo was at least a decade and a half younger than Mr. Kim but mostly because of the unwanted graffiti showcased a naked Asian woman with a scratched out dick. There was clearly an attempt of removing the vile doodles, leaving uncomfortable scratches. It wasn't alleviating the already run down building.
"Truthfully, you don't" Lily eases unto the chair. The rusted legs squeaking in response."-but I can tell you this much". Her eyes lazily darts away to the youngest sibling, Evan, who was leaning sideways to look at the gum underneath the table.
"Whatever's in here is a lot more valuable to you than me". Lily's fingers were fiddling with the corners of the envelope, each hand gently pulling from opposite direction.

Well, that was it. All those sleepless nights trespassing and unauthorized eavesdropping has manifested itself as paper bills. The bell's chimes greets them out in Mr. Kim's place. It was just the nature of the job. Learning everything about a person's life and walking away like you'd never met.
"Can we get some ice cream now?" A deep sigh releases from the eldest sibling's mouth. Evan was too preoccupied deciding what topping to get to even notice it.